
14 2013

Katie & Irwin Kahn Jewish Community Center: Shalom Sesame: Welcome to Israe

2:00PM - 3:30PM  

Katie & Irwin Kahn Jewish Community Center 306 Flora Drive
Columbia, SC 29224
803-787-2023 frontdesk@jcccolumbia.org

Contact Laurie Slack

Shalom Sesame: Welcome to Israel Sun, April 14, 2:00pm – 3:30pm Come learn about Israel with a focus on families with small children (pre-school and early elementary age) featuring a showing of Shalom Sesame’s “Welcome to Israel”. Families will watch the film on our big screen, enjoy a PJ Library book about Israel, and create their own spiced hummus to snack on. You don't have to be Jewish to attend! Everyone is welcome! FREE for JCC Members | $2 material fee per child for non-members We would appreciate a RSVP to lauries@jcccolumbia.org so we make sure we have enough supplies and snacks to go 'round!